You thought you were addicted to Gowalla and Foursquare. Going places and sharing your location with total strangers and followers is so early 2010. What are the cool kids doing in the second half of the year? They are checking into television shows and movies, that's what.
Are you watching your twitter timeline fill up with location-based mentions to places and cities you will never visit? Aggravating and boring, isn't it? What if check-in apps worked in a way in which you cared about your friends and had conversations about the movie they were watching, and not the theater they were at? Miso does that. Released to the Android Market in 1.0 form just this morning, the check-in app lets you share what you are watching. And before you ask, yes, there are badges.
Features include:
- Socialize and chat with your friends and other TV fans by liking and commenting on any check-in to any show.
- See what TV shows are currently trending among all Miso users and discover new shows.
- Use voice search, a cool Android feature that makes finding your shows as easy as saying the show name!
- Unlock badges and earns points for your all your check-ins.
- View all your earned badges and check out hints for badges you haven’t earned.
NOTE: Miso Brings Check-in Features to Television Shows, Movies originally appeared on AndroidGuys.