'All the kids from daycare are in dreamland. The froggie has made his last leap. Hell no you can't go to the bathroom, you know where you can go? The fuck to sleep.'—Samuel L. Jackson voices this audiobook version of 'Go The Fuck to Sleep,' the previously-Boinged book which was officially published today (after crazy pre-release piracy).
The Samuel L. Jackson audiobook is free for the time being. Listen to a sample here.
You can also
buy a hard copy or a Kindle version of the book now, just out today.
Word is that Werner Herzog will do an audiobook version, to be released soon:
Published today, the picture book begs sleepless children to 'go the fuck to sleep' in a series of quaint, expletive-ridden verses. It soared to the top of book charts last month after a pirated PDF went viral, and calls this week from a New Zealand lobby group to ban it are only likely to add to its appeal.
'The flowers doze low in the meadows / And high on the mountains so steep. / My life is a failure, I'm a shitty-ass parent. / Stop fucking with me, please, and sleep,' writes author and award-winning novelist Adam Mansbach, who was moved to pen the book when his own daughter was suffering sleepless nights. 'The cubs and the lions are snoring, / Wrapped in a big snuggly heap. / How come you can do all this other great shit / But you can't lie the fuck down and sleep?'
Mansbach said that 'the best possible person in the world' was narrating the audiobook: Herzog. The film director's recording will be unveiled at an event to launch the book, illustrated by Ricardo Cortes for small American publisher Akashic Books, at the New York Public Library.
Unofficial videos of Werner Herzog impersonators reading aloud various other children's books follow. Oh my god I can't even wrap my head around how awesome the real thing would be.
[Werner Herzog reads Madeline]
[Werner Herzog Reads Curious George]
[Werner Herzog Reads Winnie The Pooh]
- Go the Fuck to Sleep: a storybook for exhausted parents
- Piracy sends "Go the Fuck to Sleep" to #1 on Amazon
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